Learn definitions for common terms used in eyeson.
eyeson products
eyeson Video Meetings - ready-to-use video meeting solution within your browser, your mobile device, or any other client that can handle webRTC
eyeson API - the core of the eyeson video meetings that all SDKs, frameworks, UI components, package,s and libraries are communicating with.
Your account
eyeson Help Center - a knowledge base containing everything you need to know using eyeson Video Meetings
eyeson accounts portal - a portal to access eyeson video meetings, your rooms, records, snapshots, to manage your e-mail-address or domain, and to manage your eyeson video meeting license
eyeson Free - a free account limited to one room and 48 hours of meeting history
eyeson Host - a person with an active license to enter and use their eyeson accounts portal
eyeson License - a paid access key that authorizes a person or several persons (depending on the chosen license) to become eyeson hosts and activate their eyeson account for usage
eyeson Room - a place in your eyeson account from which you can manage and start your video meetings
eyeson Room Link - an permanent invitation link that allows other eyeson hosts to join this particular room, as well as join and start meetings in this room at all times, and guests to join already active meetings held in this room
eyeson Room Overview - the page shown to you when you enter your eyeson accounts portal, where you can see all your created eyeson rooms
Room Member - an eyeson host that joined a particular room via the room link
Room Owner - the creator of a particular eyeson room. The only host who can personalize and delete this room, or remove certain room members from this room.
eyeson Lite - Progressive Web App (PWA) delivering the look and feel of a common standalone software on mobile devices and any desktop computer
eyeson mobile app - native app for your mobile device on Google Play Store (Android) or App Store (iOS)
eyeson developer portal - your one-stop portal to manage everything according to your development project with the eyeson API, including useful links
Dashboard - the area within an API user’s developer portal that shows the usage statistics
eyeson API key - a paid key with which a user is authorized to use the eyeson API
eyeson API minutes - a purchased amount of video meeting time for a certain API account that authorizes running eyeson video meetings for the exact amount of time paid for, usually valid during a defined period of time or until the amount of meeting minutes has been reached
eyeson API project - the solution the API user plans to implement, currently implements, or already implemented with the eyeson API
eyeson API resources - a number of websites with API related content and helpful tools to support developers with building their own solution using the eyeson API
Parts of eyeson video meetings
eyeson UI - (aka eyeson web UI) web client for video meetings, the predefined standard User Interface (UI), used by eyeson Video Meetings or to use with your eyeson API projects
eyeson Single Stream Technology - enables a fully interactive live video experience, by adding content, media and live data into one video stream
video stream - the area in your video meeting where all the videos, data and media are shown including the audio stream (see broadcasting)
Layout - this is how video meeting participants and custom media streams are arranged within the video stream, can be set in the default UI or via API.
Layer - show any data content as an overlay or as a background layer within the video stream using the eyeson layer service.
Participants of eyeson video meetings
User - a person that uses eyeson, no matter if with an eyeson license or without one
Participant - a user that is about to join or joined an eyeson video meeting
Host (of a meeting) - the user or company with an eyeson account that starts the particular video meeting
Member (of a meeting) - a user who joins a running meeting with an eyeson account or with access to all available video meeting features
Guest (User) - a user entering the meeting without being signed in to eyeson, or using a guest link/token. Guests can only enter already running meetings and functionalities are limited.
Functionalities of eyeson video meetings (sorted alphabetically)
Audio-Only Mode - Join a meeting with only your audio data and no video, also receiving only audio data and no video stream
Chat - Write and send messages to all participants in the video meeting
Co-browsing - Several participants use the screencam to share and navigate parallely through the world wide web or other applications
Dark Mode - Shows the eyeson default UI in a black design
End for all - End the meeting for all participants (not available for guest users)
File Presentation - Choose a file (PDF, image, or video) to present in the video stream in full screen mode
Full screen (of the video meeting) - The eyeson video meeting window will occupy all the available display surface of your screen
Full screen (of the video stream) - The file or screen presentation, or the single layout will occupy all the available display surface of the video meeting’s video stream area
GIF Reaction - Choose a GIF to show instead of your own video for a short time
Invite Guest - Invite a person to a running meeting via the guest link or QR-code (no identification necessary). This person will enter the video meeting as a guest user.
Layout Settings - Change the way videos and media content are arranged in the video stream
Light Mode - Shows the eyeson default UI in a white design
Live Streaming - Share your meeting live on a third party streaming platform
Lock Meeting - Block all other users from joining the running video meeting
Leave - Quit the video meeting with your device
Mute all - Cut all other participant’s microphone sound off to remain the only one with an active microphone. The other participants can unmute their microphone anytime.
Participant List - Area where you can see who joined the meeting at what time and if their camera and microphone are muted
Picture-In-Picture (PiP) - Multi-window mode where only the video stream (without the menu bars) is displayed on your screen in small to multitask next to the ongoing meeting
Preview page - The last web page shown to you prior to joining the eyeson video meeting where you can check your camera picture, manage device settings, and choose a virtual background
Quick Join - Entering a meeting without a required login/authentication
Recording - Functionality that allows you to record the video stream and/or the consequent video file of the video meeting’s video stream
Remove a participant - Throw a chosen participant out of the meeting (not available for guest users)
Screencam - Show your screen/application window/browser tab instead of your own video in the video stream
Screenshare - Present your screen/app window/browser tab in full screen mode in the video stream to show to the other participants
Snapshot - A photo of the video stream
Virtual Background - A simulated environment that appears behind a participant in a video meeting
eyeson for developers
eyeson developer’s portal - allows different actions with your API key, including finding the right documentation, regenerating/revoking the key, upgrading/downgrading your subscription plan, and viewing information ranging from overall usage to live in-meeting data.
eyeson API Documentation - everything you need to know to build your own video meeting solution or to integrate video meeting into your project
eyeson JS Library - a library that provides a convenient interface between your browser and the eyeson API
eyeson on GitHub - includes all resources, coding examples, and Q&A to help developers build their own eyeson API solution
eyeson Tech Blog - eyeson developers post blog articles regularly to provide developers building their own eyeson API solution with useful tips and tricks
eyeson functionalities for developers (sorted alphabetically)
custom media stream - part of the video meeting showing a custom media (not a participant)
background layer - the layer behind the video layout layer where data and media can be shown when the video podium is not full
broadcasting - functionality to live stream an eyeson video meeting via RTMP to any RTMP-server
custom UI - web client for video meetings that is built by the eyeson API customer according to their needs and wishes
default UI - web client for video meetings, the predefined standard User Interface (UI), used by eyeson Video Meetings, or to use with your eyeson API projects
eyeson JS - short for “eyeson JavaScript Library”, to easily connect to eyeson video meetings in modern browsers
eyeson room - can be created with a team-based API request, resulting in everything needed to join the eyeson video meeting
eyeson video stream - the continuous flow of video, audio, and media data merged together into one stream, transmitted or received in an eyeson video meeting, arranged according to layouts and made of different layers (foreground layer, video layout layer, background layer)
foreground layer - the layer in front of the video layout layer which you can use for overlays
layer (aka content integration) - the eyeson video stream is made up of three layers, with the foreground layer being superimposed on the video layout layer, which is superimposed on the background layer. With those layers it is possible to integrate content into the meeting’s video stream.
layout or video layout - the way videos and media content are arranged in the video layout layer in the video stream (see website)
media inject - show any data content inside your video stream using the eyeson layer service
playback - showing a video file in an eyeson video meeting. The video file must be available via a public link
video layout layer - the layer that shows the participant's camera videos depending on the set layout
video podium - area in the eyeson video stream (in the video layout layer) where videos of participants or custom video streams are shown according to a set layout
webhook - receive real-time meeting information. Only one registered webhook is allowed per API project.
white labeling - customers have the possibility to show their own logo instead of eyeson's (see API Documentation) or create their own custom UI to personalize their video meetings via the API. No eyeson branding is visible with a custom UI.