What is eyeson's service availability?

Read here more about our SLA and our 99% service availability

Service Uptime Commitment

eyeson provides a service uptime commitment of 99%. Uptime is the percentage of total possible minutes eyeson service was available during a fiscal quarter.

Downtime is the overall number of minutes eyeson was unavailable during a fiscal quarter. eyeson calculates unavailability using server monitoring software to measure the server side error rate, ping test results, web server tests, TCP port tests, and website tests.

Downtime excludes the following:

  • Slowness or other performance issues with individual features (link expansions, search, file uploads, etc.)
  • Issues that are related to external apps or third parties
  • Any products or features identified as pilot, alpha, beta or similar
  • External network or equipment problems outside of eyeson reasonable control, such as bad routing tables between you and/or your clients internet service provider (ISP) and eyeson server infrastructure.

eyeson is allowed to have one optional service window once a month for 1 hour which is used only if needed. eyeson decides for maintenance windows based on usage statistics evaluations (e.g. weekends or times with lowest usage).

This eyeson SLA is limited to the public hosted eyeson services provided - API and server applications - which are hosted in the name of eyeson. We do not guarantee any operational availability for the clients applications which are implemented by our partners and customers based on our libraries and API’s.

API backwards compatibility:

eyeson guarantees to support backwards compatibility of the API for 1 year and notifies partners and customers if functions or library versions are classified as “deprecated”.